Multi-Family Resident Retention

    If there is one thing I’ve learned in the multi-family industry, it is vital to have a quality resident retention plan in place in order to maintain a high occupancy. If your customers are pleased with you after they move in and stay that way through their lease term, they are more likely to remain…

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      Retail Real Estate Market Q4 2007

      Retailers and Industry continue to move into our area. Investors are looking intently at our region. There are numerous projects in the works. Why are we enjoying this prosperity? For one, the real estate dollar goes a long way in our area compared to other areas around our region. For another, Atlanta sprawl moves closer…

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        Still A Good Time To Do A 1031 Exchange?

        Despite the softening economy and turmoil in the capital markets, investors continue to have confidence in the U.S. commercial real estate industry.  In a survey showing that one in five investors expect the economy to be stronger in 2008, the majority still want to invest more funds into commercial real estate.  Concerns about financing will…

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          Multi-Family Leasing Trends

          A recent study showed that consumers spend over 1.2 Million hours each month looking online for apartments. Just as in any other industry, the technology is the way of the future in Apartment Leasing.  More and more consumers that are coming through our doors already know exactly what the community has to offer.  It is…

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            Finding Commercial Real Estate Financing

            As you all know, the commercial real estate business has experienced tough times.  Financing to purchase a commercial investment has been very difficult or nonexistent.   Recently, we interviewed several Middle Georgia banks offering commercial financing.  The rules of the game have not really changed, they have just been enforced.  You may remember what you did…

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              A Commercial Real Estate Lease Defined

              In my articles in the past newsletters I have discussed topics such as office vacancies and occupancy, valuing properties and key commercial terms to name a few.  Most of the time I come up with the different subjects from questions from my clients.  So suffice to say that is the same with this article.  When…

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                The Principles Of Commercial Property Ownership

                Own’er-ship n. – Of or belonging to oneself or itself.  The one or ones belonging to oneself.  To have or possess. To confess : acknowledge.  own up. In my early adult life, a very wise dear friend once shared with me that no matter what road I chose to take in life to always take…

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                  Bibb County Apartment Market Update Q2 2009

                  The Bibb County apartment market continued to be active in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, albeit considerably slower than 2007.  The capital crunch caused lenders to adopt more stringent lending standards or stop completely making loans.  The loan to value dropped to 75-80% and actual NOI was used to arrive at the value…

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                    The Costs Of Going Green In Commercial Real Estate

                    In the late seventies, General Motors introduced a revolutionary electric vehicle designed to address high oil prices and long gas lines.  Unfortunately, battery system problems prompted GM to abruptly scrap the program.  GM bought back vehicles from customers, cleared dealer lots and ran the fleet through the crusher. Thus ended the immediate promise of alternative…

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                      Fickling At ICSC 2009

                      Fickling and Company associates recently attended the International Council of Shopping Center’s annual Leasing Mall and Trade Expo held May 17 through 20 in Las Vegas, Nevada.   The company’s retail Sales, Leasing and Development divisions were represented at the annual event which provides retailers and property owners a great venue to update each other on…

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