What Is A Short Sale?

    A Short Sale occurs when a bank allows an owner to sell property at a price that is less than the owner owes the bank.  In other words, the sales price is “short” of what is owed. This creates what is called a deficiency balance.  That is, even though the property has been sold to…

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      Apartment Loft Living In Macon

      As the Multi-Family Property Manager for Fickling & Company’s private market, I enjoy helping people find a new place to live. Many apartment hunters are tired of living at the average apartment community and are looking for a little more. People are looking for unique floor plans, windows with a view and a property manager…

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        Federal Programs for Timber Real Estate

        If you are a landowner or in the market to buy land, there are Landowner Assistance programs that could be beneficial to you and your land.  The programs offered by the USDA forest service are designed to help the private landowner protect, restore and sustain private forests.  A few of the programs available are: Forest…

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          Pollock joins Fickling & Company

          We’re happy to announce Kari Pollock joining the Fickling & Company team.  In her own words: “I am committed to my clients and work hard to achieve results for them. Because the real estate industry is becoming more sophisticated and challenging every day, you need a professional that understands the industry and is positioned to…

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            What Is An Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement

            State law prohibits a broker from representing a buyer as a client without first entering into a written agreement with the buyer under O.C.G.A. 10-6A-1 Understanding what the statement means An exclusive agreement means that the buyer agrees to hire the broker to act as the buyer’s exclusive real estate agent in order to assist…

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              Pricing Your Home To Sell

              So you’ve decided to put your house on the market? You must separate yourself from sentimental feelings and price it so that more buyers see it — and notice it. Here’s how. You’re selling your home. Here’s the big question: Should you set the price high, expecting buyers will bargain you down eventually? Or should…

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                The experience of buying bank owned assets may vary for many investors. For some, it can be a very rewarding process yet for others, somewhat frustrating. The trick is understanding and establishing a process that works for you. Below are a few tips that may be helpful to you while navigating the ever shifting landscape of…

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