Apartment Management Philosophy

    Our Multifamily Portfolio has continued to grow and prosper in the First Quarter of 2007. Our Property Management team has been very busy creating strategic plans of action for three new apartment communities. Our newly added properties include an A+ development in South Carolina, a 22 year-old asset in Middle Georgia, and 212 units in North…

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      Property Management changes

      Change is never easy, particularly if stuck in the same old routine. This year, Fickling & Company’s management department has undergone change. In efforts of becoming a more successful management department, it is essential to build an excellent and reliable reputation with our clients and customers. Keeping pace with deadlines is no easy task, and…

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        Real Estate Investment and Aqusition 2007 Forecast

        As I wrote in my previous article, 2006 was the year of the private investor.  Will 2007 be another year for the private investor?  Equity funds and institutions have recently surpassed investments from private investors.  This trend is unlikely to slow anytime soon since pension funds still report a great deal of pent-up investment demand.  But…

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          Industrial Property Market in Macon Q2 2007

          There were no significant changes relating to the industrial real estate inventory during the first quarter of 2007.  The vacancies in the market remain stable at about 4,000,000 square feet with a 75% occupancy rate.  Again, this vacancy was mainly attributed to large blocks of industrial space such as the 2,000,000 square foot Brown &…

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            The cycle of Commercial Real Estate

            Cycles… what are they? In baseball, there is hitting for the cycle, which is a batter hitting a single, double, triple and a homerun in one game. In astronomy, there is an orbit cycle in which planets rotate around an object. There are bicycles and motorcycles in which the wheels travel in a circular motion. I…

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              Industrial Property Market in Macon Q3 2006

              The second quarter of 2006 ended with total available Industrial Property inventory up significantly, as predicted.  The official closing of the Brown & Williamson Tobacco plant added over 2 million square feet to the market, to bring the total vacant to over 4 million square feet. However, the high available inventory is primarily attributed to large…

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