Macon Commercial Office Space Market

    The Macon, Georgia downtown and suburban office real estate markets remained stable in 2007. According to Fickling & Company’s recent survey, including a comparison of almost 1,000,000 square feet of office space in Bibb County, the 2007 suburban office market remained virtually unchanged. The suburban market maintained approximately 80% occupancy which is a slight decrease…

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      Industrial Real Estate Market Q1 2008

      During 2007, the warehouse/industrial market was very active as well as the other commercial categories. The 2008 commercial real estate market, as other service categories, will be difficult to predict.  There are just two many unstable variables that could swing it in either direction. In 2007, the Bibb County industrial market remained basically unchanged from…

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        Warner Robins Commercial Real Estate Forecast 2008

        “Record growth” has become the catch phrase for Houston County.  The fourth quarter of 2007 brought wide-ranging construction projects from Best Buy and Walgreens, to new surroundings for Flint EMC and Lowe Toyota, as well as new dining options such as Olive Garden and seven other new  restaurants. Mayor Donald Walker and the Warner Robins…

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          How Is Commercial Real Estate Valued?

          In the twenty-seven some odd years I have been in the commercial real estate business, I have been asked quite frequently how we, in our profession, value property.  Things like “How do you value a piece of commercial property?”, “What do you think my property is worth?”, “How do I go about purchasing commercial property?”,…

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            Ride The Tide: Commercial Real Estate

            Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked. – Warren Buffett Open any newspaper or turn on any news channel and you will hear the same thing:  The Real Estate market is doomed. Interest rates are beginning to rise while the numbers of new real estate buyers are shrinking.  Not to…

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              Lullwater East Development News

              Macon’s newest Starbucks Coffee opened in Lullwater East on Bass Road in September, serving their delicious coffee drinks to great crowds. It is a beautiful store and complements our shopping center very nicely. I would invite you to stop in, if you have not already. The Starbucks Coffee associates are always friendly and, if asked,…

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                Multi-family Real Estate Market Q1 2008

                In our last article, we stated that we thought the housing market slump would continue through year end and start to stabilize in early 2008.  Unfortunately, there has not been any news that changes our belief.  Some of the recent statistics indicate that we may still be too optimistic. The Commerce Department reported on December…

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                  Commercial Real Estate Continuing Credit Crunch

                  As financial institutions are still trying to weather the storm from Subprime Mortgage Crisis, real estate investors should anticipate great challenges in 2008.  The instability in the financial markets has had a domino effect in the investment market for commercial real estate assets.  It first began with an impact on the lenders which moved right through…

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                    Tips For Selling Your Timber Real Estate

                    In the previous Land and Timber articles of 2007, we covered a variety of topics focused on helping land owners make decisions that would be beneficial in their pursuit of selling their property. The past few years have been great indicators as to what the market would yield for landowners in 2007. The state of…

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